What if I already own rentals? Will the course help?
Here are my questions back to you.
First, how clear is your strategy? Do you have a clear plan for the number of properties you want to acquire, the cash flow and other profits that you want to meet for each property, the speed at which you'll make these acquisitions, and the metrics you'll use?
Second, how efficient are your processes and systems? Are you running a well-oiled machine with a strong team? Could you scale?
The answer to those two questions will shed light into whether you’re operating an efficient system that can continue to grow, in which case you don’t need any course, or whether you could benefit from structure, guidance, metrics, and systems.
That said, because Your First Rental Property is specifically aimed at beginners who are buying their first or second rental property, we DON’T recommend it for experienced real estate investors.
As the name implies (actually, as the name blatantly states), this is for beginners. Don’t enroll if you’re looking for overly advanced strategies.