Can I take this course with my partner?
Yes, of course! If you're part of a couple, our policy is that you can take the course under one login. We understand how important it is to be on the same page as your life partner if you're going into this journey together.
This policy applies to anyone in the same household (i.e. parent/child) living together.
This offer does not extend to those who aren't in the same household. If you're friends looking to invest together, or you're colleagues, we ask that you please each separately sign up to take the course. Logistically and administratively, this makes things easier for everyone, and you'll have the peace of mind knowing your account is yours if anything goes wrong with the partnership.
A note on how accounts within the course work:
One email is used for all course communication. If you're a couple, consider signing up with a joint email account, or setting up automatic email forwarding for course-related emails. The email you enroll with is the email that's kept in our system, and that's what we'll use to reach out to you. (This email can be changed later, but it's much easier for everyone if you enroll with the correct email!)
Course progress is saved account-wide. If you mark a lesson as complete, it will then show as completed on that account, regardless of who is accessing it. Please keep this in mind as you go through the course.
Your forum name can also be changed to reflect both names, and you can "sign off" accordingly.